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Post-Divorce Life in New Jersey: Tips for Starting Over

Filing for divorce can be one of the most stressful experiences of your life. You’re moving away from a relationship that you tried so hard to make work and have to navigate the court process, division of assets, and more. Your New Jersey divorce lawyer will be there every step of the way to help… Read more

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What Not to Do When Separating in New Jersey

Making the decision to get divorced can be stressful at best. This is why many couples decide to separate before filing for divorce. Separation lets them make sure that filing for divorce is the right choice and ensures that neither of you can or is interested in reconciling your differences. But there are a few… Read more


Financial Considerations in a New Jersey Divorce: Dividing Assets and Debts

Getting a divorce in New Jersey can be stressful. But figuring out which assets each of you keeps can be one of the hardest parts of the process. That’s why the court can step in if needed. As part of the divorce proceedings, the court can review your combined assets and determine a fair division… Read more

How Much Does a Divorce Lawyer Cost in New Jersey?

How Much Does a Divorce Lawyer Cost in New Jersey?

When you and your spouse decide to get divorced, one of the first things you’ll need to do is find a New Jersey divorce attorney to represent your case. Unfortunately, hiring an attorney isn’t free. You’ll need to pay for their services and their advice throughout the divorce process. So, how much can you expect… Read more

Family Law

An Overview of Family Law in New Jersey: What You Need to Know

When you think about resolving disputes with your spouse or your family, you likely imagine solving those issues yourself. While this is possible in many instances, some disputes and concerns can be too difficult to navigate on your own. That’s where New Jersey family law rules and regulations can come into play. Family law refers… Read more

new jersey child support faq
Family Law

Frequently Asked Questions About New Jersey Child Support

When you have children and are used to relying on two incomes to meet your needs, getting divorced and separating your finances can be tough. That’s why many New Jersey divorce lawyers advocate for child support when presenting your case to the judge. Child support refers to payments from your ex-spouse that you can use… Read more

New Jersey High Asset Divorce

High-Asset Divorce in New Jersey: Complex Financial and Property Issues

Getting a divorce is complicated no matter what your financial situation is. But when you and your spouse are a high-asset household, the process can become even harder. High-asset divorces typically involve couples with assets valued at $1 million or greater. And all of those assets will need to be divided appropriately, which can lead… Read more

difficult divorce

Is It Difficult to Get a Divorce in New Jersey?

Filing for divorce can be a stressful and emotional process. Whether you and your spouse have been together for a short time or have been married for years. There’s a lot you’ll need to do and the divorce can quickly feel overwhelming if you’re not prepared. While getting a divorce in New Jersey isn’t necessarily… Read more

new jersey divorce faq

Frequently Asked Questions About Divorce in New Jersey

When you got married, you likely never thought you’d want to explore getting divorced. But circumstances change and if you and your spouse are no longer happy or satisfied in your relationship, getting a divorce can be a good option for both of you. But before you contact a New Jersey divorce attorney, it’s a… Read more

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